I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God
so that you may know that you have eternal life. [1 John 5:13]

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Bible - A Writer's Friend and Refuge

It's been quite a week! I am making the transition from working part-time to full-time and I keep reminding myself it's okay to be worn out. My mind keeps racing - new job . . . current job . . . writing . . . how is all this going to fit into my big plan?

Tonight I am home alone and thought about calling several of my friends, whiling away the evening blogging and visiting other blogs, maybe take a hot bath and relax. I revisited each option a couple of times -- even, sadly, considered just eating until I couldn't see straight. That old Satan loves to sneak up on us when we're vulnerable! Good thing I decided to just go get my favorite bible, my Bible Reader's Companion and my journal.

I opened to Isaiah - one of my all time favorite books. I think I've always liked it because I love the language and the almost hypnotic way the reader is lured and lulled into feeling comforted and soothed, loved and cared about. As I read beginning in Chapter 40, I realized I was very familiar with the "forties chapters." These the chapters were God offers the most reassurance and comfort. This is where we learn of the coming Messiah. This is where we realize even when we have felt abandoned and alone, we were not at all!

These chapters refer to John the Baptist, to Christ. These chapters link God's power and His love; His transendence and deep desire for intimacy with his creations. These are the chapters where God declares himself sovereign.

So I now feel both affirmed and uplifted. I think I'm going to vegetate, watch some television and start brainstorming article ideas. Some have been rattling around in my head, but I haven't bothered to write them down.

I am a writer! God is going to make a way for me to write! I just need to turn to Him, to give over the hours of my day and the days of my life to Him. He will direct them and guide them. He will lead me where I am to go and He will show me the way I am to accomplish His vision for my life.

I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. (PsaLm 3:6 NIV)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NIV)

For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13 NIV)

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. (Psalm 31:3 NIV)

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. (Psalm 143:10 NIV)


RCUBEs said...

Amen sister! May u have a restful weekend and may God give u the strength u need to accomplish things. God bless...

Anonymous said...

I love my Bible. I never grow tired of reading what my Savior has preserved down through the ages. It truly is God's Wonderful Book Divine!

No matter how many times I read a passage of Scripture, or how many times I revisit a Bible story, the Lord shows me somthing new and I get so excited! The Bible is an exciting book! AND, best of all, every Word of it is Truth!

God's blessings and peace on your weekend!

Tami said...

The Isaiah verses you quote have been my own writing verses. (I tack verse 9 on too.) This writing thing is too hard if we don't rely on Him to fulfill His plans in us, isn't it?

I get ya, friend. I do.

Andrea said...

Amen, Sweet friend. GOD is using you and He will continue to use you through writing and in all areas of your life. GOD BLESS!