I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God
so that you may know that you have eternal life. [1 John 5:13]

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Photobucket It's me!!

Those who know me will immediately say, "that's a perfect fit!" I recently was awarded the position of Richmond Frugal Family Examiner at the site examiner.com

If you would like to write for them, please use my referral link:


My Examiner ID is: 20427

What will you find at the site? Information on just about any subject you can imagine! Kelly and Tracy, two members of my Christian writer's group, are also columnists. I hope you'll also take the time to view their columns while your at the site.




Subscribe to all of us! Make us all your favorites on the site!

Blessings on your journey

Friday, August 28, 2009


Linda Wagner won a signed copy of my book at Back To School Book Bonanza! I'm also sending Patty a copy as a thank you for hosting me.

If you would like to order a copy of Woman At The Well, click HERE and you'll be taken to my lulu.com storefront. If you would like a signed copy, email me with your address and I'll send you one!

Thanks to all who participated last week!

Blessings on your journey

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back 2 School Book Bonanza Author Interview

Book Bonanza Banner

I'm so thrilled to be the featured author at Patty Wysong's blog, Patterings!


Pop on over to read my interview AND to learn about the other amazing authors Patty and others have been featuring. You won't want to miss it!

I'm giving away a copy of The Woman At the Well. To be entered in the book giveaway, leave a comment at Patterings and check back there on Wednesday, August 26th to see if you've won.

If you want to guarantee that you're notified if you win, then leave your email address in the comment, otherwise, you can just check back and email Patty through the button in her sidebar. OR you could sign up to have Patterings updates delivered to your inbox. If you do, it will give you a bonus entry in the giveaway, otherwise you can enter twice--once for each post you leave a comment on. :^)

Blessings on your journey

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Confession is Good for the Soul

The latest edition of God's Wonder Woman has been posted at Take Root and Write! Hop on over to read why "Confession is Good for the Soul."

In the weeks to come I'll be sharing a study of the Seven Deadly Sins. For now, know that I know of what I speak! Confession has allowed God to bless me in so very many ways. He wants to bless you too!

Read all about it!

Blessings on your journey

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin" (Psalm 51:1-2 NIV).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm so excited! I'll be the "featured writer" at the Book Bonanza on August 20th at Patterings!

I hope you'll stop by, learn a little about what makes me "tick" and enter to win a free signed copy of my book, Woman At The Well

Blessings on your journey

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Writing Contests at writersmarket.com

WritersMarket.com lists more than 900 contests & awards. Here are three that have September deadlines:

Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest offers more than 40 awards with the top prize being $10,000 for an essay on the philosophic ideas of Ayn Rand. The prize is open to high school seniors and college undergraduate and graduate students. Deadline is September 17.

Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series is open to unpublished collections of poetry with a first place prize of publication and $1,000. The deadline is actually to have your submission postmarked by October 1 (though that's close enough to September to count).

Robert Watson Literary Prizes offers prizes in both fiction and poetry. First place for each is $500. Winners will also receive publication in The Greensboro Review. Deadline is September 15 (postmarked).

Log in (or sign up) to WritersMarket.com to have access to more than 6,000 listings for contests, book publishers, magazines, and more at WritersMarket.com.

Here's a link to review some FAQ's about WritersMarket.com

The WritersMarket.com team has updated:

  • 23 market listings in the past 7 days.
  • 77 market listings in the past 30 days.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Boost Your Blogging Output

What are your productivity hacks? A specific time in the morning? Late nights? We’re all scrambling for ways to produce more content for our blogs.

But what actually helps you to be at your best?

Meaning: how and when are you most efficient? In action: your blogging output is consistent, productive, not time wasting and the finished result (post) is something you’re proud of.

The following strategies help boost your blogging output; these tips may work for some while others find that certain methods (not mentioned below) best suit their needs and schedules. I have by no means mastered any of the following strategies.

Let’s get to it! Click HERE to visit Miguel Wickert's blog, thou shall blog for these and more great blogging tips and ideas.

Blessings on your journey

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Bio in Rhyme - Can You Rhyme Yours?

One site where I applied for a writing job, the publishers wanted applicants to do a bio in rhyme - 60 words or less. Here's mine:

Wise beyond her years even at the tender age of four,

Now 52, her knowledge is considered ancient lore.

She is creative, compassionate and loving to her core;

Earth mother, sister of the heart, caring friend and more.

A writer and poet who always has the next story in store.

She won’t stop writing till she reaches heaven’s door.

I don't remember the site and I assume I wasn't awarded whatever "gig" it was. I do think it's a fun exercise and if you label yourself a poet . . . well, I'm just saying!

How about you? Can you rhyme your credentials/story of your life in 60 words or less?

Talk about a way to stand out to publishers!

Blessings on your journey